This is the 21st century and things are already taking new looks. More so, I have discovered that the place where you can find the highest number of people coming together for a common goal and purpose, though different, is the church. However, the spirit of this century is already in the church and I think that if we are not careful, this is how the church will turn out to be in few years to come. Come with me.
MODERATOR 1: We shall be commencing the service this morning by singing from our hymn book as we take HGSB 333 (GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS) and thereafter we shall move on to the Sunday school which shall be anchored by our assistant resident pastor, CLINT THE DRUNK, then after that, we are going into the period of the dance of praise which shall be anchored by our choir director, DON JAZZY. Stay tuned as the assistant moderator comes up to give us more announcements.
MODERATOR 2: Thank you, my oga. The first announcement here goes to every I-phone users in the auditorium that if you are not here with your phone chargers, you can honourably stand and approach our ushers. They have many chargers with them, so you can get yours and make sure you return them after the service. Thanks. The second announcement goes to every blackberry phone users in the auditorium, if you are there and you are not also with your phone chargers, try and copy the I-phone users, but in your own case, we only have USB cords, you can get them and plug them into any hole you see, whether on the wall, in a cup of water, just anywhere so that you can charge your phones. Finally, every android phone users; make sure you stay where you are charging your phones because you can’t trust everybody and also make sure your phone is fully charged because we don’t know when NEPA will restore light after two weeks of blackout. Thanks. Please, let’s stay tuned for the chief moderator.
MODERATOR 1: The next item therefore will be the sermon which shall be anchored by our resident pastor, BASKETMOUTH. Please, let us not forget that everything that happened here today will be on our church blog, Instagram page, BBM group, facebook page and group, 2go room, twitter handle, whatsapp group and our church website. Thank you all for your patience as the sermon will last for 20 minutes.


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