Blessing Joseph is a 19-year-old student who is living in a remote village in the Agatu area of Benue state. As other teenagers who are living in the area, Blessing said that she would not hesitate to use a rifle if Fulani herdsmen come back to her village. Blessing Joseph said she would not hesitate to use a rifle if Fulani herdsmen come back to her village. Daily Mail reports that not only teenagers but even young boys carry machetes and daggers to protect their lives. “My father told me not to go out without holding a cutlass with which I can defend myself if attacked,” a nine-year-old primary school pupil said. James Ochoche Edoh, the community leader, said that more than 20 Agatu villages were affected near the river Benue that forms the border with Nasarawa. “Approximately 500 people or more could have been killed,” he claimed. “The recent attacks took us by surprise. Families have been separated or killed,” he added. The worst affected villages in February’s attacks were Oko...